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NHP Update
We owe you an apology
You may have noticed that the website has not been working as well as it should recently.
We would like to apologise to you for any inconvenience this may have caused and offer you up to 30% saving the next time you order from the website.
Some aspects of the site are very slow but these areas will load - eventually – please be patient. I know this is asking a lot here and we really appreciate your custom and patience and are sending you this email to make amends by offering you some great discounts to use on your next order.
When you visit the NHP site, during the month of October, you will receive 30% off everything (up to 45% off on supplement programmes - 10% / 15% + savings already applied to programmes), so make the most of this.
We are currently in the process of building a brand new fully functioning site that will be much quicker and easier for you to use and will be in touch with you again as soon it’s ready to launch.
Your 30% discount code is 30OFF1019
Enter your discount code when you check out and your discount will be added to your basket.
Offer ends 29th October.
*This offer may not be used in conjunction with any other offer