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Omega 3 (Finger Prick) Deficiency Test by Post

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With all the news in the press about the benefits of having good levels of Omega 3 essential fatty acids e.g. prevention of heart disease, inflammation, stroke, cancer, dementia, depression, chronic fatigue it is important that you know whether or not you are lacking in this vital nutrient and whether you have the correct ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty acids.

It is now possible for you to find out by taking a simple blood test.

Over the last century there has been an 80% decrease in the consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids and with our diet very high in Omega 6 fatty acids fatty found in many vegetable oils, we are ending up with the problem that we have too much Omega 6 in the body and not enough Omega 3.

Why is that problem? Well, your body makes beneficial prostaglandins (which are hormone-like substances) from these essential fatty acids. These 'good' prostaglandins help to prevent inflammation and pain (including period pains), regulate the immune system and reduce abnormal blood clotting. But the body can also produce 'bad' prostaglandins which increase inflammation, pain and abnormal blood clotting. These 'bad' prostaglandins are produced from Omega 6 fatty acids whereas the 'good' anti-inflammatory prostaglandins are produced from Omega 3 oils.

That is why having a good ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids is so important. Years ago we all used to get a good balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils from our food but now a typical Western diet contains nearly 10 times more omega-6 from the increased use of vegetable oils and seeds) than omega-3 (oily fish, soya, linseeds) resulting in much higher levels of these 'bad' inflammatory prostaglandins in our normal diets.

Also if you are vegetarian and get your Omega 3 fatty acids from oils like flax (linseeds) the body has to convert the oil to EPA (which we get directly from fish) and it is now thought that this conversion is not very efficient. It is estimated that from linseed (flax) oil only 5-10% is converted to EPA.

Your body cannot manufacture Omega 3 essential fatty acids, they have to come from your diet or as supplements so it is vital that you are getting the correct ratio.

Symptoms of an Omega 3 deficiency can include dry skin, dry hair, depression, poor concentration, weight gain and menstrual irregularity.

When ordering this test you will receive a special kit, with full instructions, that will enable you to take a simple finger prick sample at home and this is then sent directly to the laboratory in the packaging provided. When analysed you will be sent the results showing your balance of Omega 3 to 6 and recommendations as to how to correct the imbalance if you have one. With this specialised test you will not only be given your Omega 3 to 6 ratio but also find out your levels of Omega 9, Omega 7, EPA, DHA, industrial trans fat, saturated fats and alpha-linolenic acid. You will also be given suggestions when to re-test in order to make sure the levels are back to normal.

So if you want to find out if you are getting enough Omega 3 fatty acids from your diet and whether you have the correct balance of essential fatty acids, then you should order this Omega 3 Deficiency Test now.

Samples should be returned to the laboratory by Next Day Delivery, Monday- Thursday only. Samples received outside of the suggested postage dates may be discarded and the patient asked to repeat the test.

Please Note: This test is only available by post in the UK. Please allow 5-6 weeks to receive your results.

Please be advised that the tests that you have bought on the Natural Health Practice will be managed by our recommended clinic Glenville Nutrition Clinic.

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