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Would you like to Lose Weight Well and have your hormones tested?

As seen on the Channel 4 programme Lose Weight Well with Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD, you can have your hormones tested with just a simple finger pick test and a saliva sample. 

These samples can easily be collected at home in the test kits provided and then sent back to the lab for analysis.

When certain hormones are out of balance they can affect how easy or difficult it is for you to lose weight.

As a man, Dr Xand van Tulleken was tested for thyroid, cortisol and also testosterone.  For women I would suggest you test thyroid, cortisol and blood sugar.

How do these hormones affect your weight?

  • Thyroid – your thyroid gland helps control your metabolism. It is like a thermostat that regulates your body temperature and tells your body to burn calories and use energy.  

This test not only measures your TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) but also your T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triidothronine), your active thyroid hormone which is not normally measured on the NHS.

  • Cortisol – this hormone is one of your stress hormones released alongside adrenaline. And cortisol can make you gain weight particularly around the middle of your body. 
  • Testosterone - an important test for men, because low testosterone can cause weight gain and in the form of fat not muscle. 
  • Blood sugar – this test measures HbA1c which can show whether you are becoming insulin resistant.

 Insulin is your fat storing hormone so the more insulin your body is producing, the more weight you gain.

If you would like more information or to arrange a test then please call 01892 515905 or email

Read on for a more detailed explanation on the health benefits of these tests:


The thyroid gland situated in your neck, helps control your metabolism. The thyroid gland is like a thermostat that regulates your body temperature and tells your body to burn calories and use energy. 

If you answer 'yes' to four or more of the following questions, your thyroid gland could be under active.

  • Has your weight gone up gradually over months for no apparent reason?
  • Do you often feel cold?
  • Are you constipated?
  • Are you depressed, forgetful or confused?
  • Are you losing hair or is it drier than it used to be?
  • Are you having menstrual problems?
  • Are you having difficulty getting pregnant?
  • Have you noticed a lack of energy?
  • Are you getting headaches?

This test not only measures TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) which is released from your pituitary gland and stimulates your thyroid to produce more hormones and thyroxine (T4) an inactive hormone.  But also triidothyronine (T3), the active thyroid hormone which becomes activated when converted from T4.  It is this T3 hormone, which is not normally measured on the NHS that makes your metabolism work faster and burn fat.


Cortisol is one of your stress hormones released alongside adrenaline. And cortisol can make you gain weight particularly around the middle of your body. 

Millions of years ago, our bodies were designed to react quickly to danger.  Like wild animals we were on constant alert so we could run or fight if threatened. When your brain thinks your life is in danger it stimulates the release of adrenaline and cortisol

These days, many of us live under chronic stress.   But our bodies can’t distinguish between late trains, missed appointments, spiralling debt, infuriating work colleagues, family disputes and the truly life-threatening stress it gears up to challenge. So it reacts exactly the same as it’s always done. 

The problem with many modern lifestyles is that stress is almost continuous and comes without the natural release that either fighting or fleeing might provide. Unless you do something physical (as your body is expecting you to) all that extra energy, in the form of fat and glucose, has nowhere to go. It must be simply re-deposited as fat.

If you don’t fight or flee when your body expects you to, the fat and glucose swimming around your system get deposited as fat – around the middle of your body.

The reason fat targets the middle is because it is close to the liver where it can most quickly be converted back into energy if needed.  To continue providing the energy it thinks you need, it tries to keep a convenient fat store ready for constant use and creates cravings and increases your appetite to ensure good supplies of necessary fuel.

HbA1c (glycosylated haemoglobin) For Women

This is a test used to assess your blood sugar levels and risk of type 2 diabetes.  Rather than looking at fasting blood glucose levels, the HbA1c assesses the amount of glucose attached to part of your red blood cells to give an indicator of your blood glucose levels over the past two or three months.

HbA1c shows whether you are becoming insulin resistant.  It is when the cells of your body don’t respond properly to the hormone insulin so your pancreas produces more.  But insulin is your fat storing hormone so the more insulin your body is producing, the more weight you gain but your body can’t use the insulin effectivity.  Insulin should he taking the glucose (sugar) out of your bloodstream to put it into your cells to use for energy.  You end up feeling tired and eating more than you should be as you can feel hungry even after a meal. 

Testosterone For Men

 This is an important test for men, because low testosterone can cause weight gain and in the form of fat not muscle.  Other symptoms of low testosterone can include:

Are your hormones out of balance?

You can find out by ordering the test kits now, all three tests (thyroid, cortisol and testosterone for men and thyroid, cortisol and blood sugar for women) are included in the kits and the results will be explained to you in a 60 minute consultation with one of our highly qualified nutritionists in the Glenville Nutritionist Clinic either in Harley Street, London or in Tunbridge Wells or by phone if you prefer. 

Before your consultation you will be sent a questionnaire to complete which will ask about your health concerns at the moment, what medication you are taking and your family history. You will be asked to complete a food diary over a few days to see what you are eating and drinking at the moment and there are questions concerning digestion, stress, immune function, amount of exercise, blood sugar, heart health, joints and muscles and questions on your emotional health.

Special Channel 4 Lose Weight Well Programme Offer.

The cost for the three tests kits plus the 60 minute consultation is normally £458.60 but as a Special Offer for Channel 4 viewers the price is just £397 saving you £61.  

This is a limited time offer so please call today to book your test kits and consultation while the offer lasts and have your hormones tested now to help you lose weight.

If you would like more information or to book then please call 01892 515905 or email

Glenville Nutrition Clinic