Women’s Health
Using Nutrition To
Balance Your Hormones

Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD

Glenville Nutrition Clinic

Consultations And Supplements

Below Are All The Key Supplements And Nutritional
Consultations Recommended By Dr Glenville That You
Can Use To Help Balance Your Hormones

Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD

Nutritional Consultations

Special Offer

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Your Supplement Programme

Your Supplement Programme

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NHP Omega 3 Support

Special Offer For This Event

Order Over £70 Of Supplements And Get
20% Off The Listed Price

Offer Only Open Until 30th of November 2020
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Key Supplements

Recommended By Dr Glenville
In The Webinar

Key Supplements

Recommended By Dr Glenville
In The Webinar

Tranquil Support*

£25.77 -
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Advanced Probiotic Support*

£32.77 -
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Vitamin C Support*

£17.77 -
Add to Basket
Meno Multi Support*

£26.77 -
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Omega 3 Support*

£30.77 -
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Black Cohosh Premium Support*

£25.77 -
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Vitamin D3 Support*

£13.77 -
Add to Basket
Agnus Castus Premium Support*

£20.97 -
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Healthy Women Support*

£25.77 -
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Advanced Fertility Support For Women*

£35.77 -
Add to Basket
* For More Information See Below * For More Information See Below

If you would like more information or help to
process your order just:

Email: orders@naturalhealthpractice.com or 
Phone:  +44 (0)1892 507598

During normal office hours

More Information …

NHP Tranquil Support
‘Keeping You In Control’

This special formula has been designed to give you extra support to help you manage in today's stressful world.

All the nutrients in NHP Tranquil Support, are aimed at helping you cope both mentally and physically with the stresses and strains of everyday life especially in these worrying times.

NHP Tranquil Support includes all the B vitamins, with extra B5, magnesium, chromium, curcumin, Siberian ginseng, L-theanine and aloe vera.

Minerals like magnesium are included for relaxation and sleep, chromium to help keep your blood sugar in balance and the other nutrients to help with hormone balance, digestion and immune support when you are under stress. L-theanine is important to help your brain ‘switch off’ when going to sleep.

Take NHP Tranquil Support and take back control of your life.

3 capsules daily, for best results take 1 capsule 3 times a day with food

Registered with the Vegan and Vegetarian Societies. Kosher and Halal certified.

All ingredients are organic where possible

All ingredients are organic where possible.

Price £25.77

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NHP Tranquil Support

NHP Advanced Probiotic Support
‘Your Friendly Digestive Bacteria’

NHP’s Advanced Probiotic Support contains four different strains of beneficial bacteria at a high strength to support digestion and absorption, immune health and detoxification of oestrogen.

The daily amount of NHP’s Advanced Probiotic Support gives you 12 billion Bifidobacteria strains and 10 billion Lactobacillus acidophilus. With added prebiotics to feed and aid the probiotics, gamma oryzanol to help soothe digestive discomfort and glutamine to support normal digestive function.

There is no need to refrigerate as the beneficial bacteria are freeze-dried and get activated as you swallow the supplement.

For best results take 2 capsules a day. 1 capsule twice a day away from food.

Registered with the Vegan and Vegetarian Societies. Kosher and Halal certified.

All ingredients are organic where possible

All ingredients are organic where possible.

Price £32.77

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NHP Advanced Probiotic Support

NHP Vitamin C Support
‘An Alkaline Vitamin C’

Including magnesium and bilberry extract - Rich in bio-flavonoids.

NHP Vitamin C Support is made from magnesium ascorbate which is an alkaline form of vitamin C. (Not to be confused with the more acidic and cheaper form of ascorbic acid which is more difficult for the body to absorb and can act as an irritant.)

NHP Vitamin C Support is easily assimilated by the body and allows for maximum absorption and effectiveness.

NHP Vitamin C Support also contains Bilberry which is an excellent antioxidant.

Vitamin C helps to build collagen which gives its skin its elasticity. Collagen makes up 90% of your bone matrix so is important for bone health.

For best results take 2 capsules a day. 1 capsule twice a day with food.

Registered with the Vegan and Vegetarian Societies. Kosher and Halal certified.

All ingredients are organic where possible

All ingredients are organic where possible.

Price £17.77

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NHP Vitamin C Support

Omega 3 Support
‘High Strength’

NHP Omega 3 Support is an ultra-pure, wild deep-sea fish oil supplement rich in omega 3 essential fatty acids with high levels  of both EPA and DHA.

Your body cannot manufacture essential fatty acids they have to  come in through your diet or supplements. 

Essential fats - like omega 3 fish oils - have a profound effect on  every system of the body and have been shown to make your cells more responsive to insulin which in turn enables fat to be burned off as energy.

NHP Omega 3 Support contains 770 mg EPA and 510 mg DHA in  just two capsules a day. 

The capsule is vegetarian not bovine gelatin and contains a small  amount of peppermint oil to stop the fishy aftertaste common  with many fish oil supplements.

For best results take 2 capsules daily. 1 capsule twice a day with food.

Registered with the Vegan and Vegetarian Societies. Kosher and Halal certified.

All ingredients are organic where possible.

Price £30.77

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Omega 3 Support

NHP Advanced Vitamin D3 Support
‘All year-round support’

NHP Advanced Vitamin D3 Support is a delicious blackcurrant tasting, easy to take, vitamin D3 liquid with a dropper which helps contribute to the normal function of the immune system as well as the maintenance of normal bones and muscle.

NHP Advanced Vitamin D3 Support is an easy way for you to stay safe from the sun’s rays and maintain good levels of vitamin D all year round.

NHP Advanced Vitamin D3 Support in liquid form is ideal because it can be dropped under the tongue and instead of having to go through the digestive system can be absorbed easily and efficiently into the tiny blood vessels under the tongue.

NHP Advanced Vitamin D3 Support is also extra special in that it is fine for both vegetarians and vegans as the vitamin D is from lichen and not sheep’s lanolin.

It does not contain any preservatives such as potassium sorbate or any sweeteners.

Registered with the Vegan and Vegetarian Societies. Kosher and Halal certified.

All ingredients are organic where possible

All ingredients are organic where possible.

Price £13.77

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NHP Advanced Vitamin D3 Support

NHP Healthy Woman Support
‘For Your Good Health’

NHP Healthy Woman Support is a very special combination of nutrients formulated for women’s optimum wellbeing.

NHP Healthy Woman Support provides the optimum amounts of vitamins and minerals in their most bio-available form to aid absorption including antioxidants, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and zinc, synergistically combined with other valuable nutrients including acetyl-L-carnitine, alpha lipoic acid, co-enzyme Q10, aloe vera, grape seed extract, green tea extract, bilberry, seaweed, and cordyceps.

All in just two capsules a day to help support your health.

For best results take 2 capsules daily. 1 capsule twice a day with food.

Registered with the Vegan and Vegetarian Societies. Kosher and Halal certified.

All ingredients are organic where possible

All ingredients are organic where possible.

Price £25.77

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NHP Healthy Woman Support

NHP Meno Support Multi

NHP Meno Support is a very special multivitamin and mineral that contains all the essential nutrients need to help you through the menopause and beyond as well as supporting strong healthy bones.

NHP Meno Support provides the optimum amounts of vitamins and minerals in their most bio-available form to aid absorption including calcium, magnesium, chromium, vitamin E, B vitamins, zinc, manganese, selenium, biotin, boron and digestive enzymes for maximum absorption. 

All in just two to three capsules a day to help support your health.

For best results take 2-3 capsules daily with food.

Registered with the Vegan and Vegetarian Societies. Kosher and Halal certified.

All ingredients are organic where possible

All ingredients are organic where possible.

Price £26.77

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NHP Meno Support Multi

NHP Black Cohosh Premium Support
‘A Unique Blend of Seven Herbs’

Black cohosh, used for centuries by Native American Indian wise women, has always been the herb of choice for its effectiveness. Agnus castus, sage, hops, wild yam, dong quai, red sage and milk thistle are excellent herbs for creating harmony and balance. 

NHP Black Cohosh Premium Support also contains vitamin B6 which contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and to the normal functioning of the nervous system and to the regulation of hormonal activity.

NHP Black Cohosh Premium Support also contains magnesium which contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and to the normal functioning of the nervous system and metabolism.

For best results take 2 capsules a day. 1 capsule twice a day with food.

Registered with the Vegan and Vegetarian Societies. Kosher and Halal certified.

All ingredients are organic where possible

All ingredients are organic where possible.

Price £25.77

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NHP Black Cohosh Premium Support

NHP Agnus Castus Premium Support
‘Maintaining Healthy Hormone Balance’

This unique blend of Agnus Castus, Skull Cap, Milk Thistle and Lemon Balm complement each other and work most effectively together to help maintain female hormone balance.

NHP Agnus Castus Premium Support also contains vitamin B6 which contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and to the normal functioning of the nervous system and to the regulation of hormonal activity.

NHP Agnus Castus Premium Support also contains magnesium which contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and to the normal functioning of the nervous system and metabolism.

For best results take 2 capsules a day. 1 capsule twice a day with food.

Registered with the Vegan and Vegetarian Societies. Kosher and Halal certified.

All ingredients are organic where possible

All ingredients are organic where possible.

Price £20.97

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NHP Agnus Castus Premium Support

Advanced Fertility Support For Women
‘Trying to Conceive’

NHP Advanced Fertility Support for Women contains the highest and most effective doses of all the essential vitamins and minerals, scientifically proven to help promote conception and staying pregnant.

NHP Advanced Fertility Support provides the optimum amounts of vitamins and minerals in their most bio-available form to aid absorption including folic acid in the active methylfolate form, vitamin E, vitamin D3, B vitamins, beta carotene, zinc, magnesium, calcium, selenium, chromium, iron, manganese and co-enzyme Q10.

All in just two capsules a day to help support your fertility.

For best results take 2 capsules daily. 1 capsule twice a day with food.

Registered with the Vegan and Vegetarian Societies. Kosher and Halal certified.

All ingredients are organic where possible

All ingredients are organic where possible.

Price £37.77

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Advanced Fertility Support For Women

Special Offer For This Event

Order Over £70 Of Supplements And Get
20% Off The Listed Price

Offer Only Open Until 30th of November 2020
Order Now

Key Supplements

Recommended By Dr Glenville
In The Webinar

Key Supplements

Recommended By Dr Glenville
In The Webinar

Tranquil Support*

£25.77 -
Add to Basket
Advanced Probiotic Support*

£32.77 -
Add to Basket
Vitamin C Support*

£17.77 -
Add to Basket
Meno Multi Support*

£26.77 -
Add to Basket
Omega 3 Support*

£30.77 -
Add to Basket
Black Cohosh Premium Support*

£25.77 -
Add to Basket
Vitamin D3 Support*

£13.77 -
Add to Basket
Agnus Castus Premium Support*

£20.97 -
Add to Basket
Healthy Women Support*

£25.77 -
Add to Basket
Advanced Fertility Support For Women*

£35.77 -
Add to Basket
* For More Information See Above * For More Information See Above

If you would like more information or help to
process your order just:

Email: orders@naturalhealthpractice.com or 
Phone:  +44 (0)1892 507598

During normal office hours

Nutritional Consultations

Nutritional Support To Help You Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD

Glenville Nutrition Clinic

Do You Need Help To Balance Your Hormones?

Are your hormones ruling your life? Your hormones can affect every part of your life no matter what age you are. They can cause problems with energy, mood swings, food cravings, memory and concentration, muscle cramps, sweating, anxiety, tension and irritability. They can even change how well your digestive system works giving you symptoms such as bloating, flatulence and IBS. 

Imbalances of female hormones can give you PMS, endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, infertility and there are all the symptoms associated with the change in hormones at the perimenopause and menopause.

And the way your hormones work can affect your weight and body shape. They can cause you to gain weight particularly around the middle of your body which can then increase your risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s and breast cancer. Your hormones can also give you cravings for certain foods.

How Nutrition Can Help

Your diet can affect whether your body produces the correct balance of hormones. We have excellent success with patients in our clinic suffering from the symptoms of hormone imbalance - we just wish that more women knew they didn’t have to put up with these symptoms.

The common reasons why hormones can be out of balance are stress, poor diet, nutritional deficiencies and lack of exercise.

To balance hormones naturally there needs to be a combination of a good diet, supplements and lifestyle changes in order to give your body the tools it needs to address the underlying cause of the problem. 


Adding in specific nutrients can be extremely beneficial alongside the dietary recommendations. Each woman’s health problem will require a different programme of supplements and herbs but there are some nutrients which are important for the majority of female hormone problems. 

With any female hormone imbalances, such as fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, it is important that your liver is functioning efficiently. The liver is the waste disposal unit of your body, not only for toxins, waste products, drugs and alcohol, but also for your hormones. If your liver is not functioning efficiently, old hormones can accumulate. These old hormones are left over after each menstrual cycle, but unless they are deactivated by the liver, they can return to the bloodstream. 

As well as avoiding substances that can compromise the liver, such as alcohol, nutrients can help liver function.

Stress can worsen female hormone imbalances and trigger many symptoms including moods swings, anxiety, irritability, nervousness, aggressive outbursts, fatigue, palpitations, forgetfulness, anxiety, confusion, inability to concentrate, crying spells, headaches, muscle cramps, digestive problems and food cravings. You may not be able to control the stress in your life, but you have some control over how it affects you physically and also to make sure you are not making it worse. Certain nutrients are important for reducing the impact stress can have on your health both physically and mentally.

The Glenville Nutrition Clinic

Dr Marilyn Glenville who founded The Glenville Nutrition Clinics has been in clinical practice for over 30 years and knows that you need to be able to trust the nutritional advice you have been given and know that any tests that are being recommended are important to help balance your hormones naturally.

At The Glenville Nutrition Clinic we have the experience to support you with dietary advice, supplements and nutritional tests that can help you not only balance your hormones but also improve your general health and wellbeing.

Our aim is to provide help, support and information that can make a real difference to your health.

What Should You Do Next?

Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD

Glenville Nutrition Clinic

Your Nutrition Consultation
In The Comfort Of Your Own Home

When you come for a consultation, you will be in the hands of one of Dr Marilyn Glenville’s highly qualified nutritionists.

All of our nutritionists are hand-picked and trained to follow Dr Glenville’s high standards.

If you’re ready to improve your health and balance your hormones, please do give us a call and we can set up a telephone or Skype consultation for you.

So make the call now, and take your first step towards achieving your goal.

Normal price £197
Special Offer
If You Book Now You Can Save £50
Todays Price Just £147

Offer Only Open Until 30th of November 2020

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Once you’ve booked your consultation my reception will call you in the next few days to book your appointment on a date that’s convenient for you.

The prices above are for a consultation with one of my highly qualified nutritionists who have been with me for many years and are all personally trained by me.

For more information or to book a consultation just
Email: health@glenvillenutrition.com or 
Phone:  01892 515 905

during normal office hours and we will
be happy assist you



Do you want to know if you have any vitamin 
and mineral deficiencies that can be 
affecting your health and causing hormone imbalances?

There are many laboratory tests that are extremely helpful with any female hormone imbalance.

These tests can give you invaluable insights into understanding what is going on in your body at the moment and can tell you what vitamin and mineral deficiencies you may have. 

The interpretation of these results lets you know what supplements you need to take and what amounts of specific nutrients are needed in order to help you balance your hormones and also supporting your general health.

In the clinic we use an exclusive Nutritional Test that checks whether you have any deficiencies or imbalances in 15 different vitamins, mineral and essential fatty acids from one blood sample:

Minerals – calcium, chromium, copper, magnesium, manganese, selenium and zinc
Vitamins – A, C, B12, D, E, folate and beta-carotene
Essential fatty acids – your ratio of omega 6 to 3 fats

We can also test how stressed you are by measuring cortisol with saliva samples which is convenient and accurate, and the sample is collected at home and then posted back to the lab.

We can also look at digestion with a stool sample to check for efficient absorption and digestion of nutrients, levels of beneficial bacteria, candida overgrowth, parasites, inflammation etc. and possible causes of digestive symptoms like bloating, flatulence, IBS etc. We can also test for leaky gut.

All the tests we use in the clinic are carried out by accredited scientific laboratories in the UK and the USA.

Your nutritionist will interpret the findings of these tests for you and provide you with tailored recommendations based on your results.

For more information or to book a consultation or a test just
Email: health@glenvillenutrition.com or 
Phone:  01892 515 905

during normal office hours and we will
be happy assist you

Knowledge And Expertise

Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD

Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD

Founded by Dr. Marilyn Glenville PhD, the UK’s leading nutritionist and authority on womens health issues. 

Author of 16 internationally best-selling books and former President of The Food and Health Forum at The Royal Society of Medicine.

For more than 30 years, The Glenville Nutrition Clinics have been supporting patients naturally and is the longest established nutrition clinic in the UK today with a particular expertise for women's health.

Normal price £197
Special Offer
If You Book Now You Can Save £50
Todays Price Just £147

Offer Only Open Until 30th of November 2020

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Once you’ve booked your consultation my reception will call you in the next few days to book your appointment on a date that’s convenient for you.

The prices above are for a consultation with one of Dr Glenville’s highly qualified nutritionists who have been practicing with me for many years and are all personally trained by me.

For more information or to book a consultation or to book a test just
email:  health@glenvillenutrition.com or
Phone: 01892 515 905

during normal office hours and we will be happy assist you

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