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Fat Around the Middle Enhanced Programme MG 0523

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Fat Around the Middle Enhanced Programme

Only until 1st June

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The “Missing Piece of the Puzzle” Which Unlocks Your Body’s Own Potential…to Torch Fat From Around Your Middle

Are you struggling to lose fat around your middle?

If you’ve “tried everything” but still can’t shift that belly fat, it’s really not your fault.

You see, the food and diet industry have long withheld the real secret to changing your shape and losing weight.

It’s not about eating “low fat,” or a certain number of calories, or totally cutting out certain food groups.

The key to losing fat around your middle is the message from two hormones – insulin and cortisol

Insulin is your fat storing-hormone and tells your body to turn your food into fat and not burn it as energy. And cortisol, which is released along with adrenaline when you are stressed and/or when your blood sugar drops (hypoglycemia), tells your body to lay that fat around your middle.

In a stressful situation, the hormone adrenaline helps get you alert and focused and cortisol increases levels of fat and sugar in the bloodstream. But unless you do something physical (as your body is expecting you to, either run or fight for your life) all that extra energy, in the form of fat and glucose, has nowhere to go. It must be simply re-deposited as fat.

High levels of cortisol hormone will increase your appetite because your body thinks you should refuel after all this fighting and fleeing and will store fat around your middle ready to be called upon for energy to fight more stress.

The reason that fat targets the middle of your body is because it is close to the liver where it can most quickly be converted back into energy if needed.

Your body is only trying to help. To continue providing the energy it thinks you need, it tries to keep a convenient fat store ready for constant use and creates cravings and increases appetite to ensure good supplies of necessary fuel.

How can you ensure you get these two hormones, insulin and cortisol under control?

The answer is…nutritionally.

Introducing… The Fat Around the Middle Enhanced Programme

The Fat Around The Middle Enhanced Programme is a special programme of carefully selected supplements, created using a unique combination of powerful vitamins, nutrients, and herbs, proven to keep your blood sugar stable, reduce the stress response and help you lose weight.

It’s been formulated for NHP by the UK’s leading nutritionist and women’s health expert, Dr. Marilyn Glenville PhD.

It’s registered with the Vegan and Vegetarian Societies and is Halal and Kosher certified.

*Excludes Omega 3 Support.

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Here’s what’s included in the Fat Around the Middle Enhanced Programme:

Amino Support – Amino Support is a special blend of 8 specific amino acids and these amino acids have been scientifically proven to help reduce fat from around your waist.

Nutri Support – Another powerhouse which fires up your metabolism, balances blood sugar, and helps you melt fat from around the middle.

The key ingredients in these two supplements all positively impact blood sugar, reduce the stress hormone cortisol and improve your metabolism.


Chromium - Helps balance your blood sugar levels and is the most widely researched mineral for aiding weight loss.

Alpha-lipoic acid - Releases energy by burning glucose. The more glucose you burn, the less insulin your body needs to release, and so your body stores less fat.

Magnesium citrate - Known as ‘nature’s tranquilliser', this calms your adrenal glands and helps balance your blood sugar by contributing to the production of insulin.

Green tea extract – Helps you burn off fat and also contains an amino acid called L-theanine which has a relaxing effect on your body and mind.

Amino acids – These little powerhouses help give your metabolism a jump start, have a fat burning effect, and can help control appetite and blood sugar.

Then there’s…

Omega 3 Support – Make no mistake – this is one of the most important supplements you can take for good health.

For your joints, your heart, and your brain, there’s nothing else like it.

Omega 3 plays so many important roles in your body, and research has shown these little fatty acids can:

  • Reduce mood swings
  • Lower your blood pressure
  • Helping to keep your heart healthy
  • Reduce fatty acid accumulation in the liver
  • Reduce pain in the joints

But the biggest benefit for you if you’re trying to lose weight is that Omega 3s can help improve insulin resistance.

Dr. Marilyn Glenville insisted that our Omega 3s came from natural deep sea fish, no farmed fish to be used.

And each batch must be screened for contaminants e.g. dioxins, PCBs, mercury, lead, arsenic and cadmium.

NHP's Omega 3 Support vegetable capsules (not bovine gelatin) have ALL the above key quality factors making it probably the best and strongest Omega 3 Supplement in the UK, maybe even in Europe.

Finally, you’ll also get….

Vitamin C Support – Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins essential for optimum health and the efficient functioning of the many different systems of the body.

The difference between other vitamin C supplements and the NHP Vitamin C is that it is made from magnesium ascorbate which is an alkaline form of vitamin C - not to be confused with the more acidic, ascorbic acid form, which can irritate a sensitive digestive system.

This is one of the most bioavailable forms of vitamin C on the market, meaning your body gets a better supply of this vital vitamin.

Kiss Goodbye to Stubborn Fat…While Feeling More Energetic, Vital, and Confident Than Ever

This programme gives you everything your body needs to keep your blood sugar stable, reducing cortisol, improving your metabolism and unlocking your body’s ability to burn fat quickly and efficiently to get rid of fat around your middle.

Combined with a healthy, balanced diet, you’ll be amazed by how consistently you see results.

And along with your looser clothes and reduced inches around your waist, , you’ll also find your mood improves, your confidence increases, and most importantly you reduce your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s and stroke.
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Fat Around the Middle Enhanced Programme

Only until 1st June

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NORMAL PRICE - £118.08


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Quality Assured

This product has been awarded Dr Glenville's Exclusive Seal of Approval.

Click here to find out more. Seal of Approval

Guidance Support

If you would like more help and guidance please email one of our nutritionists, who will be pleased to recommend an appropriate course of action for you, by clicking here.

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