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Natural Solutions To IBS - The Ultimate Webinar For Relieving Your Symptoms For Good Webinar Replay


Do you suffer from digestive problems such as bloating, flatulence, constipation, or diarrhoea?

Or you MAY be one of the 1 in 5 people diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), with women being most commonly affected. Did you know that IBS ranks as high as the common cold for people needing days off work to cope with it?

Maybe you have IBS but you’re not sure which foods trigger flare-ups of your condition and need some guidance.

Perhaps you’re just looking for relief from some of the debilitating symptoms of digestive problems.

Maybe you suffer with symptoms you wouldn’t think are related to your digestion, such as tiredness, problems sleeping, and headaches.

Then you shouldn’t miss this opportunity to watch Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD, the UK’s leading nutritionist in this webinar recording which will help you identify and understand what may be causing your digestive problems, so you can find some relief from uncomfortable symptoms which can severely impact the quality of your life.

Watch Dr Marilyn Glenville in this webinar recording - Natural Solutions To IBS

This special webinar recording is a breakthrough approach to recognising and managing your symptoms: giving you choice, control, and freedom.

During this event, you’ll discover:

  • What to eat and what to avoid to improve your digestive symptoms
  • How is IBS diagnosed?
  • What causes “leaky gut” and how it can make you sensitive to some foods
  • The tests your doctor should be doing to help you diagnose your digestive problem
  • How to ‘check your poo’ – the three main things to look out for and when you need to see your doctor urgently
  • How to know if certain foods are triggering your digestive problems?
  • How stress and anxiety affect your gut, and how to minimise the impact of stress on your digestion
  • What is SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) and is it actually the cause of your digestive issues and how do you test for it?
  • What is the FODMAP diet and is it helpful?
  • How to use certain nutrients and herbs to improve uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, nausea, stomach cramps, and diarrhoea
  • How to test how well your gut is working in term in terms of digestion and absorption, whether you have a problem with an imbalance of beneficial bacteria, yeast overgrowth (like candida) or parasites
  • And much more

This webinar is for you if you’re:

  • Already suffering with IBS or other digestive issues and want advice on managing your symptoms
  • Feeling bloated or uncomfortable after eating and aren’t sure which foods trigger your symptoms
  • Confused about all the conflicting information and advice out there about digestion, the gut, its effect on your overall health, and want some guidance about what you should be doing to improve your situation

Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase the recording if you are concerned about your digestion!

This webinar is for anyone who wants to thrive, not just survive, in today’s fast and ever-changing world so access the recording of the webinar now.

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This product has been awarded Dr Glenville's Exclusive Seal of Approval.

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Guidance Support

If you would like more help and guidance please email one of our nutritionists, who will be pleased to recommend an appropriate course of action for you, by clicking here.

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